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Diane M.

Name: Diane M

weight: 191/179/140

Age: 28

Birth Date: Feb. 12, 1974

Location: Beaumont, TX

EmailAddress: Psalm11801@aol.com

Hobbies: I love surfing the net, reading, cross-stitching, reading, and READING.

Occupation: Housewife and homeschool mom

Fav. Joke/Quote: NOTHING tastes as good as being thin feels!!

Comments: I weighed 178 the day I went into LABOR with my second child and by the time she was 1 I was at my goal weight. I have no excuses for the pounds. When I saw the scale creeping up toward 200, I freaked out! A friend had recently had great success...so I decided to try it out. I started the day after Thanksgiving, and in one week had dropped 10 pounds. I was so excited that something was showing that it would work quickly. I have tried everything under the sun (even gaining 10 pounds on WW). This is the best thing..YEAH, DR. ATKINS!!!


"added 12/02"