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Sheila P.

Now "Jan/03"


Name Sheila

Starting weight/current/and goal weight: 141/108 - at goal!

Age 24

Birth Date 12/13/78

Location Manhattan

Email Address: SheilaNYC78@aol.com


Hobbies & Interests: Foreign travel, reading, movies, exercise, music, singing, urban hiking, baking, & working on my new sugar-free/low-carb cookbook.

Occupation Full-time college student - done in a few months!

Favorite Joke or Quote "If you take care of the way things LOOK, you take care of the way things ARE."

Comments: I started the Atkins way of eating August 2001, when I was so tired of feeling heavy & out of shape. I had just gotten married & moved from Dallas (my hometown) to NYC only two months prior & was very happy . . . just not with my body. I'm such a happy person, & this was the only thing in my life holding me back. I knew I had to make a change - so, I did by buying the book & getting started right away. I've lost 33 pounds off my small 5'3" frame, going from a size 10 to a 2. I owe all of my success to the Lord & the Atkins Diet!! Please check out my new Atkins website, where there are details on my success, & also a link to my FAQ page! I'm currently writing a low-carb cookbook, containing 200+ all-original recipes, hopefully to be published soon! Please send me an E-mail; I would so love to hear from you!

"updated 01/03"