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Name: Sheila

weight: 180/142/140

Age: 37

BirthDay: August 2, 1963

Sex: Female

Location: Arkansas

EmailAddress: turkeylady10@hotmail.com

Homepage: http://turkeylady0.tripod.com

Hobbies: Where do I start. I enjoy the outdoors which includes everything from flower gardening to camping, to fishing. I also like doing crafty things right now I'm teaching myself about rubber stamping. I am active with Westark Area Council Cub Scout camps and with out Local Boy Scout Troop.

Occupation: I am a turkeyfarmer, I gather fertilized eggs for a living.

Comments: Well I've always been a yoyo dieter. While building our dream home, worrying about what went in my mouth was not a high priority for me. When the house was finished and I had unpacked the scale it said 180, now that was after a few weeks of trying to cut back, so I really don't know what my true high weight was. During Christmas 1999 I bought and read Atkins. Dec 27 I began lowcarbing. The loss was terrific, but even better was how I felt. It has been unbelivable. I reached 145 by Christmas 2000. Then at the end of January I began lifting weights. As of May 2001 I weight 142 and have learned to accept that as a healthy weight for me.

ICQ: 6779479