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Name: T.J.

weight: 298/258/200

Age: 26

Birth Date: Jan 15, 1976

Sex: Male

Location: Temple, GA

EmailAddress: tjfreemanjr@yahoo.com


Occupation: Senior Software Developer

Fav. Joke/Quote: Of course I don't look busy, I did it right the first time...

Comments: Started about a year ago September and lost 50 pounds pretty easily. Kind of gave the diet a rest for a few months and ate a bunch of the stuff I hadn't had on a while. I gained about 15 pounds back during that time (small price to pay for how much I "sinned") and started back on September 31st. Lost 6 the first week and this weeks looks good too... My biggest problem is I eat out for lunch every work day and the things I eat for the diet just get so repetitious and monotonous (salads, hamburger steak, chicken, steaks....). Got to find some variety in there or I will go crazy. The diet itself seems to help me out, even when I stray from the number o fcarbs I should have. I started playing tennis last year (at 290 pounds) and some folks kind of laughed, but my friends encouraged me to keep learning and I would get faster as I lost weight. Since I lost the +-50 pounds, I have begun to play better and I have tons more energy when I am eating better. I am supposed to be taking medicine for my blood pressure, but if I eat right for the diet, I don't need the meds. Thanks for reading my boring story..... Will try to update after the next 30 pounds.

"added 10/02"